Alzheimer’s disease (Late onset)

Alzheimer's disease: A progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of function and death of nerve cells in several areas of the brain leading to loss of cognitive function such as memory and language.

Summary Statistics

Key figures

All Female Male
Number of individuals 3103 1586 1517
Unadjusted prevalence (%) 1.19 1.08 1.34
Mean age at first event (years) 79.53 80.03 79.00


Follow-up Absolute risk HR [95% CI] p N
1998–2019 0.18 12.24 [10.64, 14.09] <1e-100 1801
15 years 0.09 12.37 [10.78, 14.20] <1e-100 1794
5 years 0.00 0.37 [0.00, 46.95] 6.9e-1 1310
1 year - - - -


Index endpoint: AD_LO – Alzheimer’s disease (Late onset)
GWS hits: 2

Survival analyses between endpoints


before Alzheimer’s disease (Late onset)
after Alzheimer’s disease (Late onset)

loading spinner Loading survival analyses plot

Drugs most likely to be purchased after Alzheimer’s disease (Late onset)