Other diabetes, wide definition

Takayasu arteritis: Takayasu arteritis (TAK) is a rare inflammatory large-vessel vasculitis primarily affecting the aorta and its major branches, but also other large vessels, causing stenosis, occlusion, or aneurysm.

Endpoint definition

FinnGen phenotype data
diagram bullet diagram downward connector

Filter registries Inpat., Oupat., Death

Hospital Discharge: ICD-10 E13
Cause of death: ICD-10 E13

Check pre-conditions None

diagram bullet diagram downward connector

Include endpoints

diagram bullet diagram downward connector

Check conditions


Apply sex-specific rule None

diagram downward connector DM_OTHER_WIDE

Extra metadata

First used in FinnGen datafreeze DF2

Summary Statistics

Key figures

All Female Male
Number of individuals 40150 17337 22813
Unadjusted prevalence (%) 15.44 11.80 20.17
Mean age at first event (years) 55.84 55.68 55.96


Follow-up Absolute risk HR [95% CI] p N
1998–2019 0.04 2.65 [2.40, 2.93] 1.5e-80 5892
15 years 0.02 2.83 [2.60, 3.08] <1e-100 4802
5 years 0.00 3.33 [3.05, 3.64] <1e-100 1599
1 year 0.00 2.58 [2.17, 3.08] 2.0e-26 234


Index endpoint: DM_OTHER_WIDE – Other diabetes, wide definition
GWS hits: 89

Survival analyses between endpoints


before Other diabetes, wide definition
after Other diabetes, wide definition

loading spinner Loading survival analyses plot

Drugs most likely to be purchased after Other diabetes, wide definition